Who We Are

Clif & Yvette Beeks

Charismatic and Inspired!

Meet the Beeks.  Clif and Yvette have spearheaded an exciting social outlet that encompasses community support of local businesses, new food experiences and interactive activities.

Follow these steps to get to know us and to meet The Food Geeks :

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    Follow us on our social media access points.

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    Attend our next Food Geeks event.

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    Become a member of The Food Geeks Join Now!

The Food Geeks Origin Story

We are both natives of Atlanta and have been married for over 30+ years. Exploring new restaurants is one of the things we enjoy doing in our leisure time. We have been dining at trendy new restaurants for years and while dining we would take pictures or videos of our food and post it on social media. From there, our friends and family started liking our posts and asking for recommendations.

One day, Clif decided to take it a step further and ask his social media friends their opinion on what he should name our new foodie Facebook page.  After soliciting feedback, it was unanimous, the

name, The Food Geeks won by a landslide. The Food Geeks remained a hobby until early 2024 when Clif & Yvette decided to officially launch the concept as a business. The Food Geeks launched at the Slush Restaurant & Bar with over 50 attendees.  At that event, The Food Geeks’ Fridays was introduced along with the website, merchandise, membership, future events, and sponsorships.

The Food Geeks was a happy marriage of dining and hosting events. Our goal is to promote small and minority restaurants to help them grow their business and gain exposure. Join us as we dine and vibe.


Best Dining Experiences

We have curated a list of great dining options.

We are The Food Geeks

Nice People, Great Food, Clean Fun

The Food Geeks’ Partners